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Uniforce Red Hasta

Uniforce Red Hasta
Red Hasta is a unique product from the UniForce company, which is aimed at increasing your performance, endurance, energy levels, as well as accelerating the burning of excess fat.

Описание Uniforce Red Hasta

The composition of the product is a powerful, effective mixture of many natural components and ingredients, which, working together, provide only maximum results during training.

Beta-Alanine and Citrulline in the composition increase strength and push back the threshold of fatigue as much as possible, increasing endurance and making you train longer and more efficiently.

AAKG, Agmantine and Yohimbe Extract are ideal components for pumping, accelerating the transport of nutrients to the muscles and neutralizing lactic acid, which interferes with the full contraction of muscle tissue.

Caffeine, Tyrosine and Synephrine are the perfect combination of powerful energy drinks that increase your concentration, support the functioning of the central nervous system, while providing a fat-burning effect.

In addition, a complex of vitamins and Alpha-GPC (alpha-glycerophosphocholine) has been added to the Red Hasta complex for maximum sensitivity of the body's receptors, the best response of nerve endings and antioxidant protection of the body.

  • Increased endurance and performance
  • Improved concentration
  • Effective energy boost
  • Accelerated fat loss
  • Stimulates lean muscle tissue growth
  • Reduced fatigue
Product composition Uniforce Red Hasta
Количество питательных веществ в одной порции 1 м/л (6 гр)

Number of servings: 45

Витамин С 240 мг
Ниацин 20 мг
Витамин Б 12 6 mcg
Бета аланин 700 мг
Л-аргинин альфа кето глютарат 1000 мг
Агматин сульфат 500 мг
Л-цитруллин 500 мг
Кофеин 200 мг
Л-тирозин 300 мг
Синефрин 25 мг
Альфа-GPC 10 мг
Йохимбин экстракт 3.5 мг
Другие ингредиенты:
Яблочная кислота, лимонная кислота, натуральные и искусственные ароматизаторы, сукралоза, краситель желтый 5, кремния диоксид.
  • We do not recommend using the products for persons under the age of 18.
  • The product is not a medicinal product.
  • Before starting to take any product, be sure to consult a specialist!