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Uniforce ВСАА

Uniforce ВСАА
BCAA Uniforce is the best product for anyone looking to build or maintain muscle mass, increase strength, increase endurance and burn fat. There is no sport in which BCAAs cannot be used successfully. BCAA is a solution if your diet currently has a calorie deficit or you are on a strict diet and do not get additional protein from food, since by not taking BCAA under such conditions, you force the body to eat with such hard-built muscles.

Описание Uniforce ВСАА

What are BCAA's? BCAA is an English abbreviation, the phrase Branched-Chain Amino Acid. There are three of these amino acids in the BCAA complex: L-Leucine, L-Valine and L-Isoleucine, which are the basis for the construction of new tissues, including muscle. BCAAs also have anti-catabolic properties, that is, they block excess cortisol, a stress hormone that destroys tissue. BCAA has an interesting property that was discovered during the study - the preservation of muscle tissue even during fasting while consuming high doses of BCAA daily.

BCAA is such a multi-purpose product that its use is not limited to taking it only before and after physical activity, but also throughout the day along with protein foods. High dosages of BCAAs smooth out errors in nutrition and allow you to maintain muscle growth even in this case.

Each serving of the product represents:

8 grams Leucine

The main component of BCAA amino acids, which promotes accelerated growth of lean muscle mass and restoration of muscle fibers. Leucine also stimulates protein synthesis, preserves muscle glycogen reserves, and increases energy and endurance during training.

1 gram Valine

An essential amino acid that promotes accelerated recovery of muscle tissue and muscle growth, as it serves as one of the main sources of energy during metabolism, and also increases the body’s immunity and increases your endurance.

1 gram L-Isoleucine

A branched chain amino acid involved in the growth and development of muscle tissue, reducing muscle fatigue, and also participates in energy metabolism, increases performance, reduces sugar levels and stabilizes hemoglobin levels.

900 mg L-Carnitine

In the most effective, quickly absorbed form of Fumarate. Helps reduce fatigue, quickly restore performance, accelerate metabolism, lower blood cholesterol levels, and actively protect the immune system. In addition, this product increases tone and feeling of vigor, activates increased fat metabolism during training.

500 mg electrolyte mixture

Electrolytes - sodium chloride, magnesium citrate and potassium citrate help maintain fluid balance in the body and regulate the functioning of the muscles and nervous system. As you know, during training, very important substances - “electrolytes” - are released along with water, which causes a sharp decrease in energy reserves. You become less comfortable and feel sluggish. But thanks to the MHS BCAA electrolyte complex, you have an excellent opportunity to instantly replenish lost minerals and ensure rapid recovery, well-being and normal functioning of your muscle tissue.


Take 1 scoop daily with 200 ml of water or juice before and after exercise, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner. For best results, take another spoonful before bed.

Product composition Uniforce ВСАА
A portion 13,5 г
Number of servings 46
Состав в 100 г 13,5 г
Калории 37 ккал 5 ккал
Калории от жиров 0 ккал 0 ккал
Углеводов 7,4 г 1 г
Сахары 7,4 г 1 г
Натрий 296 мг 40 мг
Калий 444,4 мг 60 мг
Магний 444,4 мг 60 мг
Растворимые ВСАА в соотношении 8:1:1 74 г 10 г
L-Лейцин 59,2 г 8 г
L-Изолейцин 7,4 г 1 г
L-Валин 7,4 г 1 г
Л-Карнитин Фумарат 6666,6 мг 900 мг
Смесь Электролитов (натрия хлорид, магния цитрат, калия цитрат) 3703,7 мг 500 мг
Другие ингредиенты:
Цитрусовая кислота, яблочная кислота, сукралоза, краситель, диоксид кремния.
  • We do not recommend using the products for persons under the age of 18.
  • The product is not a medicinal product.
  • Before starting to take any product, be sure to consult a specialist!