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Uniforce Lipostruction

Uniforce Lipostruction
Lipostruction is a complex fat burner that acts in several directions. The product effectively supports thermogenesis, causing extra centimeters to melt before your eyes. The fat burner saturates the body with a powerful supply of energy, supports cognitive function and concentration, and effectively fights hunger.

Описание Uniforce Lipostruction

Lipostruction is a complex fat burner that acts in several directions. The product effectively supports thermogenesis, causing extra centimeters to melt before your eyes. The fat burner saturates the body with a powerful supply of energy, supports cognitive function and concentration, and effectively fights hunger.

The fat-burning effect of the product is based on the effect of thermogenesis - the effect of “reproduction of heat by the body.” The body, under the influence of temperature, transforms calories into energy!

Taking a fat burner while reducing the total number of calories stimulates weight loss and maintains strength in the body. The difference between the Uniforce Lipostruction fat burner and the rest is a different approach to fat burning by stimulating not only thermogenesis, but also accelerating metabolism and suppressing appetite.

With Lipostruction, fat doesn't stand a chance!


2 capsules daily with meals.

Product composition Uniforce Lipostruction
A portion:  1 capsule
Number of servings: 100Рекомендация: принимайте в качестве пищевой добавки по 3 капсулы ежедневно перед тренировкой, или по назначению специалиста.
Витамин B6 (Пироксин HCl) 3 мг 100 %
Витамин B12 (Цианокобаламин) 6 mcg 100 %
Хром (Пиколинат хрома) 30 mcg 25 %
Безводный Кофеин 200 мг **
Экстракт коры белой ивы 25% салицин 100 мг **
Цитрусовый померанец 30% синефрин 100 мг **
Экстракт корня имбиря 10:1 20 мг **
Кайенский перец 25 мг **
Экстракт зеленых кофейных зерен 4:1 25 мг **
Фенилэтиламин HCl 20 мг **
Экстракт листьев зеленого чай 95% Полифенолы 45% Галлат эпигаллокатехина 20 мг **
Теобромин 20 мг **
Нарингин 10 мг **
Экстракт йохимбе 98% йохимбин 3.5 мг **
* Основан на диете в 2000 ккал
** Daily Values not established
Не содержит сахар, соль, крахмал, дрожжи, молоко, яйца, моллюсков, консерванты, добавки, разжижители, искусственные ароматизаторы или красители.
  • We do not recommend using the products for persons under the age of 18.
  • The product is not a medicinal product.
  • Before starting to take any product, be sure to consult a specialist!